主页 > 电路板电路板上Y表示什么?



电路板上字母Y 代表晶振;晶体振荡器是指从一块石英晶体上按一定方位角切下薄片,石英晶体谐振器,简称为石英晶体或晶体、晶振;而在封装内部添加IC组成振荡电路的晶体元件称为晶体振荡器。其产品一般用金属外壳封装,也有用玻璃壳、陶瓷或塑料封装的。







电路板上字母Y 代表晶振;



1. R 代表电阻

2. L 代表电感

3. D 代表二极管

4. Q 代表三极管

5. C 代表电容

6. F 代表保险

7. X 代表晶振

8. IC 代表芯片




  G/绿 B/蓝 W/白Y/黄


  R/红 Y/黄 时候电阻配511的,也就是510欧姆, G/绿 B/蓝 W/白 配271的电阻,也就是270欧姆,因为红光和黄光的导通压降低,正常发光时每颗压降约1.8v-2.2v,所以配的电阻阻值大,而绿、白、蓝的正常发光压降约3.0v,先用dc12V试一下,如果不亮或者亮度低就用24v



七、y y运动袜

提升运动表现:Y Y运动袜的好处与细节


近年来,Y Y运动袜作为一种新兴的运动装备备受推崇,并赢得了众多运动爱好者和职业运动员的青睐。Y Y运动袜具有许多独特的技术和优势,可以为运动提供全方位的支持和保护,不仅提高了运动表现,还减轻了运动对身体的影响。

Y Y运动袜的细致设计

Y Y运动袜采用先进的技术和高品质的材料制作而成,经过精心设计以满足不同运动需求。下面我们来看看Y Y运动袜的一些关键细节:

  • 弹性适配:Y Y运动袜采用优质弹性纤维,能够紧密贴合脚部,提供更好的适配性和支撑性。
  • 透气排汗:Y Y运动袜使用透气材料,通过排汗来保持脚部干燥,避免滑脚和磨腿。
  • 缓震保护:Y Y运动袜在关键部位加入缓震垫,有效减轻脚部的压力和冲击,提供更好的保护和舒适度。
  • 抗菌防臭:Y Y运动袜采用抗菌纤维材料,有效抑制细菌滋生,保持脚部清爽和干净。
  • 紧密贴合:Y Y运动袜经过精确的尺寸设计,紧密贴合足部曲线,减少磨擦和起泡,提供更好的舒适性。

Y Y运动袜的优势

相比传统的运动袜,Y Y运动袜具有许多显著的优势,可以帮助你在运动中发挥更好的表现:

  • 提高运动效率:Y Y运动袜的弹性适配和紧密贴合设计,可以有效减少能量损失,提高肌肉爆发力和运动效率。
  • 防止摩擦和起泡:Y Y运动袜在关键部位采用缓震垫和紧密贴合设计,减少了摩擦和起泡的可能性,提供更舒适的运动体验。
  • 减轻脚部压力:Y Y运动袜的缓震垫可以缓解脚部的压力和冲击,降低运动对关节和肌肉的负荷,减少受伤的风险。
  • 保持干爽清爽:Y Y运动袜采用透气排汗材料,能够快速排出汗液,保持脚部干爽清爽,避免滑脚和异味。
  • 提供抗菌防臭:Y Y运动袜的抗菌纤维材料具有抑制细菌滋生的特性,可以保持脚部清洁卫生,减少脚气和其他细菌感染。


作为一名运动爱好者或职业运动员,选择适合的运动装备是非常重要的。Y Y运动袜凭借其细致的设计和独特的优势,成为提升运动表现的理想选择。它的弹性适配、透气排汗、缓震保护、抗菌防臭和紧密贴合等特点,为你的运动带来更好的支持和保护。

无论你是跑步、篮球、足球还是其他运动项目的爱好者,在选择运动袜时不妨考虑Y Y运动袜,它将为你提供全方位的舒适和表现提升。让我们抛弃传统运动袜的束缚,迎接更精彩的运动体验吧!

八、What is the Meaning of "Y/Y" in Finance?


In finance, there are numerous metrics and terms that can seem confusing or unfamiliar to those who are not well-versed in the field. One such term that frequently arises is "Y/Y," which is often used to measure and analyze financial data. In this article, we will delve into the meaning of "Y/Y" in finance and explore its significance in different contexts.

Understanding "Y/Y"

"Y/Y" stands for "Year over Year" and is a commonly used metric to compare financial data or performance over a specific period of time, typically from one year to another. It provides a way to evaluate changes in key financial indicators, such as revenue, expenses, profit, growth rate, or any other relevant measure, on an annual basis. By comparing data from one year to the next, "Y/Y" analysis allows for the identification of trends and patterns in financial performance.

Why "Y/Y" Analysis is Important

Using "Y/Y" analysis can offer valuable insights into how a company or investment has performed over time. By examining the changes in financial data from year to year, analysts and investors can assess the growth or decline of various factors that impact an entity's financial health. This analysis is particularly useful for identifying long-term trends, comparing performance with industry benchmarks, and making informed decisions regarding investments or financial strategies.

Real-Life Examples

To illustrate the practical application of "Y/Y" analysis, let's consider a few examples:

  • Example 1: Revenue Growth

    A company's revenue for the current year is $1 million, while the previous year's revenue was $800,000. By using "Y/Y" analysis, we can calculate the revenue growth rate as follows:

    Revenue Growth Rate = ([Current Year Revenue - Previous Year Revenue] / Previous Year Revenue) * 100

    Revenue Growth Rate = ([1,000,000 - 800,000] / 800,000) * 100 = 25%

    This indicates that the company has experienced a 25% increase in revenue compared to the previous year.

  • Example 2: Inflation Rate

    A country's inflation rate for the current year is 3%, while it was 2% in the previous year. By applying "Y/Y" analysis, we can determine the inflation rate change as follows:

    Inflation Rate Change = Current Year Inflation Rate - Previous Year Inflation Rate

    Inflation Rate Change = 3% - 2% = 1%

    This indicates that the inflation rate has increased by 1% compared to the previous year.


In summary, "Y/Y" stands for "Year over Year" and is a commonly used metric in finance to compare financial data or performance between consecutive years. This analysis provides valuable insights into trends and changes in various financial indicators, allowing for better assessment and decision-making. Whether you are an investor, analyst, or simply interested in understanding financial terms, grasping the meaning and significance of "Y/Y" analysis will undoubtedly enhance your financial literacy.

Thank you for reading this article and we hope it has provided you with a clear understanding of the meaning of "Y/Y" in finance. By utilizing "Y/Y" analysis, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of companies or investments over time, helping you make sound and informed financial decisions.





“Y1”通常是指主板上的一个晶体振荡器。这个晶体振荡器是用于计算机时钟频率的一个关键组件。时钟频率影响着计算机的运行速度,所以它的精确度和稳定性非常重要。因此,计算机主板通常会使用一个或多个晶体振荡器。 Y1可能不是唯一的组件标签,因为电路板可能包含其他类型的晶体振荡器、石英晶体、电容器、电阻器等。
